4-Year Plan

B.S. Degree in Biological <a href=Systems Engineering Icon" width="150" />

133 total credit hours are required for graduation with a B.S. in Biological Systems Engineering. For more detail on the department courses listed below, consult the on-line version of the Undergraduate Catalog BSEN course specifics.

Although the curriculum can be completed in eight semesters, many students take longer in order to participate in internships and co-op assignments with companies, international exchange studies, and part-time research projects in the department. These opportunities give BSEN students practical, hands-on experience to learn about careers in engineering.

Emphasis Areas

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering
Medical Imaging, surgical tool design, tissue engineering, prosthetic design, and rehabilitation engineering are just a few of the emerging fields in this specialty.

Ecological and Environmental Engineering

Ecological and Environmental Engineering
Learn about nonpoint source pollution, restoring streams, lakes, and wetlands, and how ecological engineering plays a role in sustaining our environment.

Food and Bioprocess Engineering

Food and Bioprocess Engineering
Discover new possibilities for bioproducts and bioenergy: from biodiesel and ethanol to new uses for grain by-products as well as improving food safety and quality.