Installation Access

Please note that access at Reece is limited to the VCC only, as the area beyond building 902 is under construction. After your visit, please exit the VCC and enter the post through one of the other gates.

Walk in services are available, anyone requiring VCC services should call 301-677-1064 or 301-677-1065 for assistance. The VCC is closed weekends and federal holidays.

*The Reece Road ACP is closed due to ongoing construction.

*The Mapes and HWY 175 ACP is open 24 hours.

* One-day visitors or deliveries can go directly to the Rockenbach gates visitor lane (far right lane) Mon-Fri 5:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visitors and deliveries outside of these hours should go to the Mapes Road and Hwy 175 gate which is open 24/7

*The Mapes Road/Route 32 ACP is open weekdays from 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed on weekends and holidays.

*Llewellyn Avenue ACP is now closed.

*The bicycle gate at Pepper Road is open.

For the issuance of new access badges or to renew badges, submit Ft Meade Form 191 and supporting documents by email to one or all three of the following VCC staffers:






“Use of Digital Licenses are not authorized for use to enter Fort Meade”

Maryland Digital licenses and state ID’s on mobile Apple devices are currently not accepted for use to access Fort Meade.

Visitors, vendors and contractors needing access to Fort Meade will need to provide their most current physical copy of their Maryland driver’s license or state ID.

Maryland Digital licenses and state ID’s are also not accepted by federal, state or local law enforcement. Anyone driving a vehicle should have their most current physical copy of their Maryland driver’s license with them.

For information on how a Maryland digital license or sate ID can be used go to

“Marked State driver’s licenses and ID’s cannot be used to enter Fort Meade”

State driver’s licenses and ID’s cannot be marked with “Not for federal purposes”, “Federal limits apply” or any other similar verbiage. If a license/ID is marked another form of primary ID will be needed, such as a U.S. passport

* For firearms registration:

“Carrying of privately-owned weapons, explosives, or ammunition on Fort Meade is prohibited”

All personnel assigned, attached, or present for duty at Fort Meade who reside in residential family quarters or BOQ are required to register their firearm. Personnel who do not live on the installation cannot bring on their firearm. (Note: Firearms will not be transported inside the registration building)

Military in the grade of E-6 and below must have a Commander’s or Director’s (or equivalent) signature on the Weapons Registration form. Authorized dependents will require a Commander's signature.

Registration Options: