There's no on site parking available for check-in. If you need to park for longer, your nearest car park can be found at Dorothy Dymond Parking, Alec Rose Lane, Portsmouth PO1 2DX.
When can I move in?
You can check in at any point from the start date of your tenancy. You can find your start date in your tenancy agreement or by logging into MyAccount here.
We’ll send you further information on checking into Rosalind Franklin Halls soon.
Exit GalleryStudents using the shared kitchen" />
Students using the shared kitchen" />
Common area
The common room is next to reception and features a pool table and Smart TV.
Laundry facilities
There are two laundry rooms at Rosalind Franklin Hall on the first floors of blocks D and N. Machines are operated through the Circuit Laundry App.
Outside space
There is seating available on two outside podiums located inbetween the different blocks.
There is no parking available at Rosalind Franklin Halls.
Bike storage
The bike store is located in the lower ground floor of the building and can be accessed from the street. A Key/Pass will be required for access. If you are planning on bringing your bike then please remember to bring your own bike lock.
Recycling facilites are available at Rosalind Franklin Hall on the podium between blocks D and N.
Fire test time and meeting point
Fire alarms are fitted throughout the property. Your fire alarm test day is Wednesday at 10am and your fire assembly point is located at on King Henry I Street, at the King Henry building .